Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cognitivism in Practice

The cognitive theory and the instructional process is composed of similar things. I particularly enjoyed the lesson this week on how technology come into play with both. I am always looking for things that will "trigger" my students and help them learn. Concept mapping tools such as graph organizers are a great tool that I simply could not live without. When I start having my students to write, it is important for them to know what they want to write about and how to pull the information they need to write an effective paper. When they choose their main topic, then they can build to that topic and as an end result have a great paper.

I also enjoyed the math lesson with the teacher using excel to teach her students about finding the solutions and not getting bogged down with all the data. I do feel that it is important for students to know how to derive at the answer without the help of the computer, but we start teaching them how to use a calculator to check their answers, this is just a more complete method for students to focus in and really learn the lesson not get lost in the data.

There are many other ways that the cognitive theory is used in instructional practice....great teachers pull as much into their lessons as possible!


  1. Graphic organizers are a great way for students to plan out a more effective paper. Unlike a simple outline, it functions more like the human brain functions, which is like a network of information. My school has been using this program called "thinking maps." These are graphic organizers that have a designated map for a certain thinking function. You should check it out at . There are eight maps for eight thinking processes.

  2. I agree with you that great teachers pull as much as they can into their lessons. Variety helps us reach more students than teaching the same way all the time. Hmmm... was Gardner up to something?

    The French students I teach are at a beginners' level, yet, a concept map can help them create sentences in French. We could, as a class, create a map with various nouns, adjectives, and verbs related to a specific theme. Students could then use the concept map to create their own sentences. Thank you for mentioning this idea in your blog.

    Nancy C.

  3. Stephanie,
    Fifth graders are great to really incorporate graghic organizers in to the classroom. In reading stories are getting more complex and in Science and history more facts are being thrown ath them. Keeping everything organized and accessable is a great skill to teach students this age. Hopefull by the time they get up to me at the high school these are tools that are already embedded in students.

  4. Nancy,
    I couldn't agree with you is so important to teach these skills early so that when they get to high school they can utilize these skills instead of having to be taught these skills first!
